11 May, 2009

it's a darn "sham" - radiopoetics.org


it's a darn "sham"
Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:47 — bard

I thought you'd like to know we have "sham/runaway" majority LSB board that doesn't believe in democratic process let alone fairness. Below are some examples from the 5/9/09 LSB Meeting:

_"DIS-ACTION" 1: _
LSB Chair Conn Hallinan refused to allow Noelle Hanrahan to regain her seat as an LSB listener rep, even though the PNB voted that "change of status", from listener to staff, or vice versa does not disqualify someone from continuing to serve out her/his term on the LSB. His ruling was appealed and the majority on the LSB voted to uphold the ruling. Bonnie Simmons, Sherry Gendelman, Warren Mar and others, on this, and on a few other occasions yesterday, asserted that the "PNB cannot tell the LSB what to do" even though these people know full well that the LSB is a committee of the PNB.

Bonnie also informed the LSB that she introduced a motion to rescind the prior motion allowing Noelle back onto the board. The rescindment motion doesn't count since it is a pending motion. The prior motion, allowing Noelle to be re-seated, which was already passed, is currently the “law of the land”.


In addition, the majority KPFA LSB made and passed a motion, to tell the PNB that they do not support the new election policy and feel it is too cumbersome and unworkable and will take too many hours away from regular programming.


Joe Wanzala introduced a motion that the LSB create a program committee, made up of 4 listeners and the iPD and GM, to work together to ensure that KPFA programming conforms to the Pacifica bylaws. He brought this motion in response to one recently passed at the PNB.

In another action, contrary to the bylaws, a member of the majority board amended this motion to give the LSB chair the authority to appoint the 4 listener members of this committee, even though the bylaws clearly state that all committee members are elected using STV. This was also challenged but lost to the majority.

So, in summary the undemocratic majority of our LSB is out of control. Stay tuned to hear more about this in the future.



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